
In memory of Franz Dotter

With great sadness, we share with you that Franz Dotter, supervisor of our current FWF-project on nonmanuals, former head and founder of the Centre for Sign Language and Deaf Communication (ZGH) at the Alpen-Adria-University of Klagenfurt, passed away on March 2018 after a tragic accident.
He was a pioneer and brilliant contributor to the field of Austrian sign language linguistics and Deaf rights, but more than that a great mentor and colleague to us.
We miss him and his commitment!
Your SignNonmanuals-Team


A memorial to Franz Dotter. - About his linguistics works by Sherman Wilcox and Andrea Lackner.
Wilcox, Sherman & Lackner, Andrea (2021) Language is an “activity of the whole body”: A memorial to Franz Dotter. GLS 93, 225–259. https://unipub.uni-graz.at/download/pdf/6263343
